Nancy Wake

WALT: Write a biography about famous New Zealanders.

Kia ora Koutou, I have a blog post for you guys, its About Nancy Wake. She was one of New Zealand’s most famous Heroes.

She was born on the  30th August 1912, In New Zealand, Wellington. Nancy was born to Charles Augustus Wake and Ella Rosieur Wake. She soon moved to Australia at the  age of 2. She had lived in a lot of Countries like New Zealand, Australia, Europe, France.

She believes that people should not be treated badly and that women can do anything even if it comes to fighting, she believed that she could help and fight. During World War she was being trained to do things like shooting, how to make, use and throw bombs. Her skills are being good at being undercover and changing identities.

But later during world war they found out who this lady was and they named her nickname the White Mouse because she was too quick and disguised well. She was a part of a group called S.O.E, the British and France community. But there were very tough times during this whole thing…she was locked up and was told during the war that her husband had passed because he wouldn’t tell the Germans where Nancy was.

They later found her again so she dressed up as a French Housewife, she put on some different clothes and did her hair in a different way, she hopped on a bike and biked past the Germans and into the woods.

After the World War she got a lot of Medals like; Medal of Freedom, George Medals, Legion of Honour, Resistance Medal, France and Germany star, Croix de Guerre.

Sadly she passed away on the 7th August 2011 she passed away at the age of 98 , Her ashes were placed all around France. She was known for fighting in the war and helping the French people.

One thought on “Nancy Wake

  1. Kia ora Arabella. Ka pai on writing an interesting biography about this amazing lady, Nancy Wake.
    You have included lots of interesting facts and stories from different areas of her life.
    My only suggestion would be to use a larger variety of sentence starters.
    Keep up the good mahi.
    Mrs Hastie

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